Friday, May 2, 2014

It is the simple things

    The light that came on the 15-90  I bought in the fall only worked by plugging and unplugging the machine. The switch was no good. Elizabeth graciously sent me the right light for this machine and I had to wire it in. I finally dove into it and crimped some ends on the wires and put them in the right location. I made a couple of false starts and one real dumb mistake. Finally, the two wires went where they were supposed to be and everything screwed back in. And the light switch works! I just love the glass shades these have and the reflectors on the inside. Now, if I could figure out how to keep a bobbin engaged on the bobbin winder on the 15-91....


Elizabeth said...

Do you have the old kind of bobbins that fit over the little notch on your BW?

Linda Swanekamp said...

I need the old kind of bobbins! Where do I find them?