Saturday, September 7, 2024

Diamonds look terrific, but ruler work needed

     On September 6th, I was supposed to take a ruler class with Kim Werth of Rochester at my Nolting dealer. Why? Because I stink at them. I don't know how to cleanly quilt holding onto a slippery ruler with one hand and moving a big longarm with the other. If I make the plastic ruler sticky, it doesn't move well. When quilting on the diagonal, you have to use a ruler. Didn't know that when I bought a longarm. I do all hand guided quilting and am not changing. However, Kim postponed the class because her father suddenly passed away the day before.
    Instead of the class, I went to cardiac rehab as usual. What wasn't usual is that the treadmill I was on with just a couple of minutes left-the motor exploded with sparks, pops, a couple flames. None of us were injured, but it did me in for the rest of the day- I was useless. I thought at first it was gunfire due to the flashes and loud pops as I dove off the moving belt. I am glad I was not electrocuted!
    The last quilt I did with rulers, a 3 dudes design from strips the Quiltdiva Julie sent me, is all on the diagonal, which I love, but needed rulers to quilt it. The diamonds are lovely, quilting- well, I tried. It is all bound and ready for referral to fly out the door.
UPDATE: The quilt package is made is going out the door to a man who has young children and is gravely ill with cancer. The referral came from a friend who is the 4th grade teacher of the man's oldest child. I had an extra block that I used for the tote bag that holds the quilt and goodies.


Gene Black said...

I think the quilting looks fine. As one of my quilting teachers says "Don't be mean to yourself."

Vicki W said...

The quilting looks great! No one will notice anyway. I gave my brother a quilt that I used to practice my first (really crappy) feathers. He loved that quilt because it was blue. He wouldn't be able to tell you how it was quilted.
Treadmills are evil. I've always thought so!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That is a horrible treadmill experience. I probably wouldn't ever get up on one again.

Quiltdivajulie said...

What you have done with those strips is fabulous. Quit being so hard on yourself for your quilting, please!!

Cathy said...

Fabulous quit and fabulous quilting! I really like that pattern. And I hope it offered comfort to the recipient. It looks so cozy.