Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Quilting takes

      The other night, I sat down to square up my calendar, receipts, etc and wondered where the time has gone since May. I have been sewing and quilting, but everything else has been all over the place. In May, after my first cataract surgery, I lost vision in one eye for a week. I did a planned trip to Ohio and then made a bunch of trips to my daughter's in PA to babysit. On July 1st, my grandson had an accident that sent him to the local hospital and then by ambulance to Children's hospital in Pittsburgh. All the serious scary neck/head trauma did not continue and he had surgery for a broken femur. Thank you to all my friends that I contacted for prayer. I believed it turned around from a scary first diagnosis. I am grateful I could help out with babysitting.
     I am going to do a series of posts on what I have been working on instead of one big long post. I had a quilt request recently for a woman who suddenly had stage 4 lung cancer, and when I went through the quilts, I found that some never got photographed when I completed them, so I made sure I got some.
    With the assistance of A Left Handed Quilter, I made a bunch of Upstairs, Downstairs quilts. One is quilted, the rest are waiting. It has no home yet.

The back shows the circular type quilting I did. I liked it even though it was a lot of work.


Jeanna said...

I love A Left Handed Quilter's Upstairs/Downstairs quilts. She has made a variety and I love them all. I also love yours. You used some gorgeous fabrics.
I'm happy to hear your grandson's injuries weren't more serious. Praying for a full and quick recovery.

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I'm glad your grandson's scary first diagnosis turned around - and I hope he has a quick recovery.

Your circular quilting on your Upstairs/Downstairs quilt is AWESOME! How big is your "workspace"? I can't fit a design that big in mine - LOL - ;))

Gene Black said...

I love your Upstairs/
Downstairs quilt. The quilting on it is excellent.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Oh, do I ever understand the sense that so much but so little at the same time has happened in the past few months! I realize I've spent some time in the rabbit hole of mixed media (I'm loving it there) but life has been extra busy so everything has felt scattered and fragmented. The quilt you shared today is LOVELY!!!!!

Vicki W said...

I'm so glad your grandson is OK! That must have been very nerve wracking. I love how you quilted Upstairs Downstairs!

Mystic Quilter said...

So pleased to read that there was no neck/head trauma for your grandson. Love the Upstairs, Downstairs quilt,

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh that is beautiful and will be wonderful comfort!
So glad for you grandson - that is a scary time !!!