Monday, February 3, 2014

Studio Tour- it's clean right now

    I spent a lot of time and decision making to clean up and reorganize things a bit. I realize I have more room than a lot of people, but it gets jammed trying to cut and press pieces. I moved all my rulers to a shelf above the cutting mats. I do not like these blue cutting mats, and have to use 3 of them to fit the top. I looked at other mats, but the cost keeps me thinking. I heard of the Martelli mats, but they are $$$. I wish I knew someone who bought them and love them. I moved the ironing board out of the room for now and bought an ironing mat. This works for most of the pressing, except when I press backing and long pieces. I will drag it out then, but am tired of tripping over it. 
    My machines are in the center of the room on a couple of tables pushed together. I would love to have one large table so I don't have so many legs to bump into and could maybe have storage underneath. I have one machine for piecing, one for small quilts, one for large, one for zig zag and the treadle for scrap piecing. The cat, Tugger, supervises and tests out the quilts for comfort. 
Newly organized counter, rulers above, ironing blanket

Machines central to room. Now the last 301 is replaced by the awesome 15-91

Treadle with valentine card crumbs being pieced

Comfort Control is Job 1
Closet next to counter with fabric organized by color and scrap baskets.
Strips in blue handle boxes. Tiny scraps in baskets stacked at bottom


Peg said...

Looks like a bright, warm, inviting and stimulating classroom. From all I've read on your blog, you are a wonderful teacher.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Well, it was my living room. Basically, it is just me and the cat working. Ok, just me working. Sometimes someone will come over to have me show them how to do something.