Sunday, July 21, 2024

Quilt Power!

      Two comfort quilt packages went out recently. I had not had any requests for a while, so I was glad to move these out! Pixel Chain and Wanda's Butterfly Quilt were bagged up and delivered to the people who had requested them for someone they knew. Both were for women with sudden stage 4 cancers.

    A year ago, I received an email request from an unknown woman stricken with multiple cancers and other horrible physical issues who somehow found my name online. I took a chance on sending her a quilt. I sent some photos to choose from, and she picked a denim one with hand dyes that had been overlooked by many. She was given 4 months to live. I did not hear from her for a long while and I feared she did not make it and prayed she had got the quilt and it gave her some comfort. After months, I heard from her and she was recovering from brain surgery and a hip replacement. After a long while, I heard a couple more times about treatments and sickness. A couple of weeks ago, I received an email about her miraculous progress. I am not sharing any name or identifying info, but I have to share her words because they keep me dedicated to quilting and praying in such times as these:

"Hi, hey, howdy, hello,  how ya doing? LoL....... Hi!
I'm feeling pretty good my doctor says I've beat the odds for my diagnosis of advanced stage metastatic cancer.......
I wanted to share with you
They did an mri of my brain and all the lesions are gone even the little tiny ones they weren't sure about are gone but the 2 large ones that they were concerned about because they were pushing inwards against the main artery in my brain are completely gone.......
I am able to be up and walking now sometimes I have to use my cane but I'll take a cane over my wheelchair any day they had told me 4 and a half months but they aren't putting a time on my life now I have responded better than they expected and faster than they expected to treatment they said if I can keep my attitude and energy like I am I have a chance of beating this they said treatment is not a cure but to prolong my life and give me better quality of life but sometimes there are people that can and do beat it and they don't want to give me false hope but I have a chance of being one of those people .......
If cancer had a face I'd punch it right in the face....... 
It's having support that is making it possible to beat this
Total strangers have shown me so much love and support ,
People like you that's what's made this possible people like you put the human in humanity"

     So a huge thank you to those who have helped me in accomplishing getting comfort quilts out there. Thank you to Wanda, Gwen, Quiltdiva Julie, Maureen, and others for supplies and quilts. Thank you to friends and strangers who provided funds for batting, books, bags, etc. Now, pass me the kleenexes.


Anne Kirby said...

Oh my!! What a courageous woman!! God bless the people who go around doing good things. And what an advertisement for your group!! Now I have to go see what I have that you can use!!

Gene Black said...

What a wonderful thing to hear back, after months, that she is doing well,
That is certainly a testament to quilt power.

Deanna said...

You do valuable work.

Jocelyn said...

Thank you for sharing that beautiful letter. It gives me encouragement to continue to make quilts for the nursing home project. My goal is to make lap quilts for Christmas for people who never have visitors. Keep up the wonderful work. You have been a blessing to many.

Vicki W said...

What a wonderful story! I'm so happy for her!

Karen S. said...

Praise God for such a wonderful testimony of how your beautiful quilts bless others. So thankful for all the work you do and time and money you spend to show love and concern for so many hurting people. You are truly a blessing to so many!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

We rarely get responses back and the confirmation that we are making a difference to someone is so welcome. What wonderful mail and news that she is doing well when the outlook was not good. You are definitely sharing love and hope to so many people.

Cathy said...

Oh, my goodness...yes, pass the kleenexes!
Wow, Linda, yes, you do put the human in humanity!
The power of a quilt and a prayer...
Keep up the wonderful work you do to comfort so many!

Nann said...

What a wonderful story. How privileged you were to have a part in her healing.

Mystic Quilter said...

Linda, thank you for sharing this amazing letter with us, it has been a privilege to read and I hope and pray this lady continues to progress as well as she can and keep her amazing outlook on life and her handling of her diagnosis. There will be many people I'm sure who will be thanking you for all the caring you give.

Quiltdivajulie said...

What an AWESOME post - thank you for sharing that letter with us. It is a perfect reminder of why we do what we do whether it is making the quilt tops, finishing them, or donating fabric and resources so the quilts are possible. You deserve to know that your efforts DO make a difference!