Saturday, July 20, 2024

Jelly Twist 1 and 2

      I have had just plain trouble writing and posting. I want to, need to, but my ability to multi-task in my life is not where I would have it. Other stuff is getting done, but not writing. There is a certain mental energy and focus that writing takes and I find myself often lacking it. I am going to try to get on track.
       The last time I showed Jelly Twist by Cluck, Cluck, Sew, most of it was together. However, the more I complete tops, the more I dislike having lots of seams in the binding for bulk and also I want more fabric with allowance to trim. So, I sewed extra colored strips made up of scrappy batiks for an outside border. If I trim after quilting, it will not change the quilt itself. I like the finish of it. So, I girded up, pulled fabric and sewed it on. Now, ready for the quilting pile (like a lot of other ones done).

     So, Jelly Twist 2 is from strips sent by Quiltdiva Julie. I thought I would put the black strip in the center of each block, so I made some sample blocks and tried it out. Nope, the black took over and made a different look than what I wanted. Unfortunately, I had sewn all the center black strips with the white squares on to be efficient and had to dig out other white fabric and cut squares. I found some other color strips I had to supplement for the black ones. I should have just cut the strips I needed for the sample and then evaluated instead of cutting perfectly good strips I now have to salvage.

Yikes with the black, right?

Ah, better, ok?

Set of two rings of blocks. Decided to leave out the whites with real darks from now on. Back to digging out more strips.
     Now, out of 48 blocks, I have 30 sewn. The other blocks I layed out on pieces of cardboard stacked up so I know I have enough strips to sew all 48 blocks.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That looks like a fun pattern. I agree the black was a little overwhelming. Maybe an all black and white with one color added would be nice.

Vicki W said...

I like both quilts! Don't let blogging stress you out. Do it when you feel like it.

Gene Black said...

My life has changed with becoming a caregiver for mom. It takes a lot of time, so now I am blogging once a week with digital art. I am able to have th digital art to do while she naps or watches tv.
You just need to adapt to what works for you.
I really like the jelly twist 2 blocks. I think it will be fun and lovely.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh how interesting - changing the out the black - it really does change its look. Glad to see you back - but don't stress! We love you!!!

Mystic Quilter said...

Good progress Linda and a great idea to move out the black!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Oh, those strips look SO good in that quilt layout (and I'm glad you didn't use the black pieces). My approach would be to post whenever you feel like you have something to share and not stress about it otherwise. I went through a "dry spell" a while back when there wasn't much to share and I dropped back on the number of posts. Currently there is a lot more activity, so there are more posts. But I totally agree - it does take time and thought to get the post written and published. (do you use the option where you can write it as a draft, add to it until you're ready, and then post it? It works well for me.)