Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Comfort times three

       Sort of a record- three comfort quilts went out the door in one week to three different people. The quilts were all quilted, but needed to be washed (I wait until I get a recipient before I wash, dry and immediately bag), sew pockets on the bags, make pocket quilts and complete labels. I had been praying for recipients for those quilts, but was surprised by so many requests at once. Unfortunately, all were cancer situations.
     I am very privileged to be a quilter and grateful to secure the resources to make comfort quilt kits. Every quilt is needed and does it job to provide comfort in a distressing situation.
     The first was a batik Upstairs, Downstairs that I had to mail. Postage is kind of crazy, but it got to SC pretty quick and safe.

      The next one went to a man who had surgery to remove a cancerous kidney. When I washed the quilt, the hand dyes all bled into the white and I was freaked. Fortunately, I keep Vicki Welsh's great guide on hand and Blue Dawn. After soaking in Dawn and hot water submerged in the tub, it rinsed out and the quilt was saved. Vicki, I owe you again!!
The bleeding came out!!

     The third quilt went to a young woman with very aggressive colon cancer. Doesn't it break your heart?


Vicki W said...

It is heartbreaking but I know your gifts make a difference to the patients and their families. I'm so glad the soaking process worked on the bleeding quilt! I was watching a video on Handiquilter the other day and they were talking about bleeding quilts and actually mentioned my process! All I've ever wanted is for that to get out to the wide quilting world and I think it's actually happened.

Jocelyn said...

You are so kind and generous.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

All three quilts are nice and I'm sure they are greatly appreciated. Have you checked out the new Ground Advantage prices at the post office? It is one day longer than priority and has $100 insurance.

Gene Black said...

Ia m sorry that so many people are stricken, but I am glad that you were able to warm their hearts.

A few years ago, I took all of my hand dyed fabric, that came from sources other than Vicki, and used her method to get all the free dye out of them. Now when I use a hand dyed fabric from my stash, I don't have to wonder if it will bleed.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Nice quilts that will be appreciated. Glad you could correct the bleeding fabric problem.

Mystic Quilter said...

You are a treasure to make and give these quilts to people who are dealing with huge changes in their lives, they will be greatly comforted I know. I don't think I've seen the second quilt before, unless it came in one of the times I was missing for a while, I think it's a super desgn!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What beautiful comfort quilts - they will bring a hug when needed the most!