Friday, June 16, 2023

Fabric enhancements

      Over time, I have made my comfort quilts bigger so that they cover a person and can be tucked under the feet and chin. This means I need more backing fabric. You all know what the price of fabric has done. So, on a recent May trip to Berlin, Ohio- Amish country- I made stopping at Zinck's a priority. Over the winter, they had big wind and storm damage and redid a lot of the store in a good way. The day I was there, they had their considerable flat folds a dollar off a yard if you bought the whole piece. Ok then, if I must, I must. I was able to get a lot of 5-6 yard pieces for between $3-$5 a yard. I made sure I washed all of it when I got home because when longarming, if the back is washed, it goes a lot better. I do not wash the front fabrics as a lot of them are scraps. Julie from Pink Doxies recommended I wash backing fabric a long time ago, and it has really helped in quilting.

5 yd pieces for $3 a yard- $15 for a back!

Some smaller yardage
     I also found some great animal fabrics for my I Spy quilt, some black and white prints to replenish my collection, more white on white pieces, and some stripes for bindings. A very good haul of fabrics to use. I also bought clearance fabric from Millers Dry Goods in Charm.


A Left-Handed Quilter said...

NICE!! $15 for a back!! - You made a GREAT haul - ;))

Quiltdivajulie said...

What productive couple of visits! Excellent shopping.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That was a good bargain for backings. It was probably a lot of fun looking through all of the fabrics too.

Gene Black said...

Wow, nice haul. I am trying to work my stash down to smaller - but a good sale is so tempting.

Vicki W said...

Nice bargains!

Mystic Quilter said...

Tremendous value for your dollar with these fabric purchases, wish we had those rices for our fabrics here.