...Even if I couldn't. I had the whole quilt show in bags. All arranged on a map, identifying cards in every separate bag, all stacked by row on tables in my basement.
Just part of the bags of quilts
Set up was Wednesday, Oct 5th for the racks and Thursday, Oct. 6th for the quilts, tea room, boutique, baskets, etc. On Tuesday afternoon while at the vet with my cat, the ceiling opened up and a ton of bricks fell on me- metaphorically speaking. By the time I got home, I practically crawled to bed in body ache pain and a whopping sharp headache. I started the early treatment Covid protocol treatment that I all prepped. By next morning, I had 101.7 fever and lots of body pain in every joint as well as the sharp headache and I tested positive. My husband stepped up, as he always does, and went to the hall to help set up the supports and tables for the quilt show. The next day, he loaded the whole minivan with the quilt bags, delivered them, and helped hang the show that I had laid out. I was on another planet, but bitterly disappointed. The show was Friday, Oct 7th and Sat. Oct 8th. On Saturday, real early before anyone was there, I went over and viewed the show, taking photos of my two quilts and trying to get a sense of how the show looked.

Our quilt show people love to add all sorts of decor stuff to the displays, so you never know what you will find around your quilt.
My fever broke Friday night. For days, I was so despondent about not participating in our every three year show. People tried to be nice by saying things could be worse. Not helpful. I am much better with it now, just sad about it, but it takes time. I was extremely fatigued, brain fogged, and lost my taste and smell after 6 days with it. Today, it is 15 days after it started, and my brain is better, most taste is back, and just moderately tired. Paxlovid is not good for cardiac patients on certain medicines, so I opted out. Thank God I was prepared with early treatment and knew what to do.
I am going to say only little, but after being vax injured at the first round in February 2021 and being gaslighted by every local doctor I tried to get help with, I spent a lot of energy in research for help. It was confirmed my reaction was not in my head and I needed medical help to recover. Fortunately, I found a group who enabled me recover in May 2021 and prepare early treatment should I get Covid. I have spent countless hours researching and following reports and data from VAERS, V-Safe, the UK and Israel among other experts. I grieve over the deaths and injuries. Most will disdain me and feel anger having the narrative challenged, so I say no more. If you are one of the few who want to know what I learned and how I prepared, email me, otherwise please just pass by I wrote. Don't write to me in anger and nastiness- I already got loads of that.