Thursday, August 25, 2022

ADK all the way!

     One of my favorite places on earth is the Adirondacks, (ADK). We have visited and rented a place there for over 25 years. We started when my kids were little, and now the grandchildren are coming also. We used to rent a small cottage, now it is a big house. Location has slightly changed as we are now on 1st Lake, not 4th. The Fulton Chain of Lakes starts at Old Forge, NY with The Pond.
    Each year is something different. Last year the house across the street blew up the day before we left, so we squeezed into a tiny place. This year, we had 8 month old Violet join us, so that was different. With 4 grandkids, I did not one stitch of sewing even though I had the machine all set up. It was just always rocking and rolling.
    The quilt store, the Crazy Moose in Inlet, where I always drop a chunk of change, was closing due to retirement. I bought lots of flannel to make the Christmas present pillowcases and about 12 batiks. I washed the flannel, so it is ready to cut but have not paired up what cuff with what body yet. So sad, the last time I will be able to buy fabric in the ADK.

All grands but Violet at top of McCauley Mt. courtesy of chair lift

Looking over 2nd, 3rd, 4th Lake

Favorite little hike: Lock and Dam

Just downstream

Including Miss Violet at Lock and Dam

Old train ride: Thendara to Big Moose

Pond along tracks

Early morning fog, 1st Lake across from house

Full moon, 1st Lake

My favorite: Monarch on swamp milkweed

Last flannels from Crazy Moose, all washed


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Gosh - what a gorgeous place!!!! The views.... I bet yo could just stare all day!
Sorry about your quilt shop.....

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Beautiful!! The lakes - the view - the grandkids - and your flannel! Sounds like you are having a wonderful time - ;))

Kathy S. said...

I'm so glad you were able to spend time with the family. Such a beautiful place! I'm glad that you were too busy to sew. That means everyone got to spend time with YOU. Bummer that the local quilt store retired. Maybe someone new will come in and surprise you with some fun, modern fabrics. Time will tell.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I can feel the clear air all the way from here (western TN). Having been to NH and the southern part of ME earlier this year, your photos resonate even more (tugging on my childhood memories of MI as well). So glad you had a good trip this year.

The Joyful Quilter said...

What a magnificent place for a getaway! Glad you got one last time to shop for fabric in ADK. The resulting gifts will feel extra special to you!

Vicki W said...

When Chris and I get "done with" the Moosehead Lake area of Maine we might need to spent a few years in ADK for the two weeks before Acadia. It looks like our kind of place.

Gwen said...

Lovely photos! Looks like a wonderful place to vacation. That's a huge pile of flannel, too. :)

Gwen said...

Wonderful photos! Sounds like it was a wonderful family vacation. Love that you had to upgrade to a house. That's quite a pile of flannel! :)