Thursday, December 9, 2021

Out of focus

      It is very disjointed here at the Swanekamp abode. On Black Friday, my husband went shopping with a friend. Two days later, the friend called and said he was Covid positive and he did not feel all that well when shopping. Immediately, my husband went to the top floor of our Cape and I disinfected the whole downstairs. The top floor has 1 bedroom, a full bath, and his office. He tested negative until Wed.- 5 days later, when a home test revealed his positive and followed it up with a PCR test, positive. He has been stuck up there except going outdoors (cold here) for walks. I have been making his meals and delivering them on the stairs. He has been tossing down clean clothes for me. I quarantined also and my primary said to wait 5 days from his positive to PCR test. I used home tests up to then on this past Monday when I had a PCR, negative as all the tests were. He gets out tomorrow. I am clearly negative.
     So it has like been living alone trying to make sure my husband gets what he needs. I write this to say it is a difficult time to concentrate, focus is hard. I don't fear the virus, but respect it. My husband never had a fever, lost his taste or smell, etc. Just a bit of plugged up head. We had already been boosting our immune system with recommended vitamins ( iMask protocol), used a nebulizer with saline and hydrogen peroxide and were vaccinated. He got monoclonal antibodies via IV, but it was hard to get it scheduled when we wanted it.
     I was able to finish the guild raffle quilt and now it will go to the person who is binding it. I used Glide Military Gold in the top, Glide 60 Military Gold in the bobbin.

This is the pattern "Lucky Stars"

This is one block design, the one below is quilted differently,
and I alternated the designs block by block.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I'm glad you didn't test positive and that your husband recovered quickly.

The raffle quilt is beautiful. You should be able to sell a lot of chances on that one.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Beautiful quilt - glad the quarantine will come to an end very soon. We know several couples who have had to live alone in the same house for a couple of weeks. Thankfully you both seem to be coming out of it okay. Take care!

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I'm glad the quarantine will end soon, too! Your quilt is BEAUTIFUL! - ;))

Joyce Carter said...

Hi Linda. I am so sorry to hear that your husband had Covid, but I am happy that you didn't get it. I know it must be very hard for him having to stay away from everyone. I am glad his quarantine will be over soon.
Your quilt is absolutely gorgeous! I hope it brings in tons of money for y'all.

Gene Black said...

I am sure the quarantine period was difficult and confusing. That is such sudden change in your lives. I am happy that it will be over soon for the two of you.

The quilt is lovely.

Shelina said...

These are scary times indeed with dealing with COVID. I am glad you were able to avoid it, and that your husband had only a mild infection. I wish you continued good health. The quilt is beautiful.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Oh, goodness, Linda! I can see why your creative energy plummeted. Glad to hear that your husband had a mild case of Covid and that you were spared from infection!

O'Quilts said...

Linda...I am so sorry. Scary and upending times. It is almost over and you can celebrate your freedom. Still you made a lovely quilt. xoxox

Mystic Quilter said...

What a time you both have had! Can't have been easy at all but I'm happy to read that your husband has recovered and that you didn't become positive. Linda, the quilt is beautiful, such soft calming colours.