Saturday, February 22, 2025

Crop of cards

      Valentines Day has passed, but not without card fanfare! This year, I wanted to make humble, cozy cards. I did a variety of styles and I used old jeans and heart fabric. I tried some hand stitching, but I was too slow. I gave up and pulled out a Pfaff machine someone gave me that has a zillion stitches on it, but is a creaky, plastic machine where you hold your breath while sewing on it. It has a blanket stitch that I use sometimes. I tested out a bunch of stitches and sewed the hearts with Glide Red thread. I made a total of 80 and have one left. It was quite a process- cutting, sewing, glueing, etc. And I found some heart buttons on Ebay and glued them on. Then I realized I had to put cardboard pieces in the envelopes so that the cards could go through the cancellation machine. Lastly, I had them weighed at the post office to make sure the stamps were enough postage. The address labels for some reason malfunctioned so that took another day to solve. I was glad I got them done in time to get to everyone on time except Maureen in New Zealand. Some process photos:

Buttons not glued on yet

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I really enjoyed the one you sent to me.