Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Another finish

      Exciting title, right? The Fading Charms quilt has been done for, er, a long time. I finally quilted it and I just love the eye spy squares and colors. It was fun to quilt. It is ready to be a comfort quilt. It would be perfect for a child. I have plenty more scrap 2 1/2" kid squares, so I could make another one. I hate square quilts as people are not square, so I would modify the shape somehow.

I finished this so long ago, my buddy, Tugger, was alive and inspected the unquilted top.

Detail on longarm

I love Stripe bindings!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I think square quilts are ok for babies and small children because they use them as a floor mat to play on a lot of the time. This one looks like it has white roads to run little cars on.

Jocelyn said...

Oh wow I love it!

Mystic Quilter said...

Good idea from Wanda, definitely a quilt made for toy cars, and lots and lots of colour.

Jeanna said...

Adorable quilt! Well done.

Gene Black said...

It would be easy enough to modify. Just change that center square into a rectangle by adding some rows to it. Then increase the other measurements to match.

Deanna said...

Yours is beautiful! Congratulations...

Vicki W said...

What a spectacular quilt! I love everything about it. Your quilting is perfect for it.