Saturday, June 1, 2024

Spring is here and going fast...

      After such long winter dull months, spring blooms are such an absolute delight. The daffodils and tulips are a powerful color punch. The tree peonies (not the hebaceous ones) have enormous but short lived blooms. Their craggy branches belie the delicate blooms that burst out. I have an older pink one and one sort of watermelon color. I would love a deep magenta one like I had long ago.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I'm glad you showed photos of the tree peonies. They are so beautiful!! I have never seen them around here.

Anonymous said...

Stunning tree peonies; I had never seen them here in VA but on a visit to Penn State at just the right time was stunned by their collection, and also ones in private gardens. An amazing plant!
