Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Before the bloom comes the bud...

       I can't believe how fast May passed. The siberian iris and the roses shot out of nowhere and are now in bloom. The colors almost make me faint with their beauty. The Hot Cocoa one did not open yet, so let's hope it does soon.

Up and getting ready Siberian Iris

This variety is more Blue violet than deep violet, also shorter

All three in bud, Hot Cocoa in middle, David Austin's on either side


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

The rose is so pretty. With the heat and humidity we are having I expect more things to bloom soon.

Mystic Quilter said...

Such a treat to see your garden in bloom - David Austin roses are my all time favourites, beautiful colour and perfume.You're busy with your quilting and I'm very interested in the In and Out pattern.